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Climate Survivalism: Creates Global Shortage of Black Sperm Donors!
Africa has highest birthrates and is growing fast! Asia and Europe's Birthrates are falling faster! The most populace countries are the...
Oct 12, 20245 min read

Bacteria That Attacks Pancreas May be Root Cause of Diabetes Type 1
Type 1 Diabetes May Be Triggered by Bacterial Infections, Scientists Find Many individuals with a genetic predisposition to type 1...
Oct 9, 20245 min read

The Slave Catching System of Modern Policing? Are Climate Migrants the New American Slaves?
As Black America Economically Empowers, Educates and Fortifies itself by embracing Historic truths the most vulnerable populations which...
Oct 9, 20241 min read

Georgia's Indigenous Return Empowers Black Atlanta: The Capitol of The South!
Georgia is rapidly becoming a sanctuary for Afro Hispanics, Latinas, and BIPOC from various parts of the globe. Indigenous groups such as...
Sep 23, 20248 min read

Infertile Sweden Offers to Pay Black Immigrants $34,000 USD To Leave!
Immigrants who voluntarily return to their countries of origin from 2026 would be eligible to receive up to 350,000 Swedish kronor...
Sep 22, 20244 min read

Climate Migration Exposes: US Census Undercounted BIPOC for Decades!
Sep 22, 20243 min read

Climate Changes in Soft Power: Why Do Western Nations Give Aid to Africa?
Africa Responds, "Please Go We Won't Be Upset!" Short Answer: Without Access to Africa the West Would Fall! French White Supremacist...
Sep 17, 20241 min read

Neanderthals and Climate Change
Modern Asians and Europeans have more Neanderthal genes. The researchers also observed levels of Neanderthal ancestry in Europeans (51...
Sep 16, 20241 min read

Pundits Ask Supreme Court to Declare All Non-Whites Ineligible for Citizenship!
Politicos put forth argument in US Supreme Court to take citizenship away from BIPOC community.
Sep 4, 20244 min read

Jericho Drumm: Brother Voodoo 70's Comic Pop Culture Icon Returning as Zombie Hunting Climate Savior?
Hollywood Rumor mill has it there is a war to purchase the rights to this character to launch a series with the impact of Blade...
Aug 28, 20244 min read

Climate Change Exposes the Moral Fragility of The Western Male!
Climate change and racism represent two of the most significant challenges of the 21st century, and they are deeply interconnected. A...
Aug 28, 20245 min read

Atlanta Gentrification frustrated! ATL Residents Say Deal with Being My Neighbor or Leave!
Understanding Police Presence and Hyper vigilance in Black Neighborhoods Despite Low Crime Rates.The issues of climate change and...
Aug 26, 20243 min read

Truth Revealed: Offshoring and Migrants Didn't Kill White Collar Jobs... Ai Did it!
The Culprit is Ai and the money behind him is long, so how will Ai affect your climate resilience as the globe warms? Immigration has put...
Aug 26, 20242 min read

Secrets of The Sonora Desert
The Hottest place on earth is closer than you may think, and the ancient people who live there may hold the answers to surviving extreme...
Aug 24, 20242 min read

The Hidden Science of Melanin: Why is Melanin Worth $450 Dollars a Gram?
Why Understanding Melanin Is the Key to Human Survival in the Face of Climate Change! Breaking through the Melanin Code of Silence and...
Aug 21, 20241 min read

New Study Proclaims World Population Will Drop to 6 billion: Majority Elderly
Throughout the remainder of this century, Africa is anticipated to be the sole world region experiencing significant population growth....
Aug 19, 20242 min read

Climate Change, Civil War, & the End of Neo-Colonialism!
How Climate Change Could Affect Conflict and US Military! History Shows Us Climate Is More Powerful a Force For Global Population Change...
Aug 15, 20244 min read

Palm Tree Inspired Wind Farms
Supersized wind turbines, designed to bend like palm trees, could endure storms.
Aug 15, 20242 min read

The Dhub Ghenti, Moriscos & Jacobites: Hidden History!
In 1449, a Toledo edict made racial discrimination legal. According to historians like David Brion Davis, the Spanish categorization and...
Aug 14, 20244 min read

The Kemetic Origin of Chinese Writing &The God Kings of Ancient China!
Some Kemetnui moved east around 2800 BC why and what impact did they have? A new explanation is climate change. Anthropologist Anders...
Aug 14, 20241 min read
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