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Historical Context of Colonization and Slavery as it Pertains to Climate Change
Understanding the Dependence of White Colonization on Revising Black History Colonization refers to the process by which a central system...
Nov 11, 20244 min read

Berbers, Moors, and Cowboys: The Impact of African Horse Breeders on the New World! Part 2
COWBOYS AND INDIANS? MIGRATION AND CLIMATE! The term “cowboy” has a rich albeit convoluted history that dates back to the 19th century in...
Oct 30, 20246 min read

Climate Change and The Legacy of Colonialism in African Studies!
Colonialism, Climate, and African Global History... Why is truth hidden? Colonialism has had a profound impact on the environment and...
Oct 27, 20246 min read

The Myth of Anglo Saxons, Xenophobia and Climate Migration!
How Racist Hierarchy created a people that don't actually exist in America, Anglo Saxons! In both the United States and Great Britain,...
Oct 15, 20244 min read

The Slave Catching System of Modern Policing? Are Climate Migrants the New American Slaves?
As Black America Economically Empowers, Educates and Fortifies itself by embracing Historic truths the most vulnerable populations which...
Oct 9, 20241 min read

Georgia's Indigenous Return Empowers Black Atlanta: The Capitol of The South!
Georgia is rapidly becoming a sanctuary for Afro Hispanics, Latinas, and BIPOC from various parts of the globe. Indigenous groups such as...
Sep 23, 20248 min read

The Jomon and Ainu History!
Jomo ancestry of Asian nations shows African origins!
Sep 4, 20242 min read

Climate Change, Civil War, & the End of Neo-Colonialism!
How Climate Change Could Affect Conflict and US Military! History Shows Us Climate Is More Powerful a Force For Global Population Change...
Aug 15, 20244 min read

The Kemetic Origin of Chinese Writing &The God Kings of Ancient China!
Some Kemetnui moved east around 2800 BC why and what impact did they have? A new explanation is climate change. Anthropologist Anders...
Aug 14, 20241 min read

Black Cowgirl Magic!
Black Cowgirl Legends teach through example about resiliance and empowerment! African American women played a significant role in the...
Aug 10, 20245 min read

The Khoi San: Original African Ancestors of Asians!
The ancient origins, anatomical, linguistic and genetic distinctiveness of southern African San and Khoikhoi people are variously...
Aug 10, 20243 min read

Climate Change Exposes: Is Whiteness a Fiction Of Identity?
Is the concept of Whiteness enabling a Global Minority to mentally enslave the Majority! The failed concept of racial hierarchy based on...
Jul 29, 20241 min read

Happy Slave Myths: The Reality of Resistance's Impact on Western Education and Climate Justice!
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, and Written by Himself was published in 1845. In this work, Douglass...
Jul 26, 20244 min read

Black Caesar, The King of Pirates!
The Legend of Black Caesar, The Warrior Chief Turned Pirate King! West Africa is characterized by a migration history spanning more than...
Jun 19, 20247 min read

Haitian Migrants A Problem, Will Haiti Join BRICS as Option to U.S. Migration?
History of Haiti Climate, Migration and...Why Haiti is not allowed to access its own riches that would make it the wealthiest country per...
Jun 18, 20248 min read

The Celts : How Their Ancient Spiritual Origins Support Nature?
We are one world help save it! Although the origin of the Picts is uncertain; evidence suggests that they were descendants of pre-Celtic...
May 28, 20245 min read

Imohag & Tuareg The Original Libyans!
The Tuareg inhabit the Saharan regions of North Africa - Niger, Mali, Libya, Algeria and Burkina Faso. Tuareg is an Arabic term meaning...
May 14, 20243 min read

The Pirates of The Black Coral Island: ROATAN HONDURAS
During the era when Spain controlled the Spanish Netherlands — today, Belgium — and was at war with the Netherlands, which were revolting...
Apr 13, 202412 min read

Lessons From The Mon and Khmer!
How Centuries Old Austro-Asiatic Farming Culture Can Save New England Farms! Typhoons and floods are becoming more intense and frequent...
Feb 8, 20246 min read

Fox News & DeSantis Lie: Africans Brought Skills, Rarely Taught them!
Enslaved Africans were chosen for their skills they rarely were taught them! (Part 1 The Rice Industry) Slave labor made it profitable to...
Jul 31, 20232 min read
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