Why Does France and The West Care So Much That Traore Is Stopped?

Burkina Faso is doing what other African nations with greater resources have failed to do because of cowardly leadership freeing themselves from debt and reliance on foreign aid! In short they are pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps and using their natural resources for themselves. This is seen as the ultimate act of aggression by the west... "How dare you Africans refuse to stay on European WELFARE!"
Ibrahim Traoré, the interim president of Burkina Faso, is seen as a threat to African recolonization efforts due to his strong stance against foreign interference and his push for greater national sovereignty. Here are a few reasons why:
Anti-Colonial Rhetoric: Traoré has been vocal about rejecting any form of neo-colonialism, emphasizing the importance of African nations managing their own affairs without external control.
Nationalization Policies: He has advocated for policies that prioritize local resources and industries, reducing dependency on foreign entities. Traore frequently informs the public they are more important to him than his own or foreign interests.
Regional Alliances: Traoré has sought to strengthen alliances with other African nations, promoting a united front against external pressures and fostering regional cooperation. Traore argues that by uniting they can stop terrorism in the region he feels is funded by foreign interests intent on stealing resources and economically enslaving Africans.
Military Independence: Under his leadership, there has been a push to build a more self-reliant military, reducing reliance on foreign military aid and interventions. Traore wishes to utilize drones to protect his borders from terrorist incursions and safeguard the lives of his soldiers he realizes that because of the infertility in Western nations they cannot afford a ground war as their populations are quickly declining. These actions and policies challenge the interests of countries or entities that may seek to exert undue influence over Burkina Faso and other African nations.
Ibrahim Traoré’s expansion of green infrastructure in Burkina Faso poses a threat to foreign interests for several reasons:
Resource Control: By focusing on green infrastructure, Traoré is reducing Burkina Faso’s dependency on foreign energy sources. This shift towards renewable energy and sustainable practices diminishes the influence of foreign companies and governments that have traditionally controlled the energy sector.
Economic Independence: Green infrastructure projects often involve local resources and labor, which can boost the domestic economy. This reduces the need for foreign investment and aid, thereby limiting the leverage that foreign entities have over Burkina Faso.
Environmental Sovereignty: Traoré’s policies emphasize environmental sustainability and self-reliance. This approach can conflict with the interests of foreign corporations that may prioritize profit over environmental concerns, potentially leading to stricter regulations and reduced opportunities for exploitation.
Geopolitical Shifts: By aligning with other African nations and promoting regional cooperation, Traoré is fostering a sense of unity and independence that challenges the traditional power dynamics in favor of European interests in the region. This can undermine the influence of foreign powers that have historically exerted control over African countries through economic and political means.
These factors collectively contribute to a more self-sufficient and resilient Burkina Faso, which can be seen as a threat to foreign interests that rely on the country’s dependency and forced compliance.