Black Coral Inc has partnered with Farmer Herbalist Sabrina Pilet Jones, of Medicine Root /BCMR the owner of Sabrina's Garden, and in collaboration with the Speak For The Trees organization to introduce fruit trees funded by the City of Boston to the Greater Boston community.

The three organizations are dedicated to advancing Tree Equity in Boston. Their collective mission is to collaborate with community members to plant, maintain, and champion fruit trees, and to increase the tree canopy in Boston's environmentally disadvantaged neighborhoods. This initiative aims to eliminate food deserts and establish cooling zones to counteract the impacts of global warming and climate change. Black Coral Inc. in partnership with Medicine Root (BCMR) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting urban agriculture and sustainable food systems in Boston’s low-income and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) neighborhoods.

Our mission is to empower local communities through education, technical assistance, and community-based projects that foster self-sufficiency and improve environmental health especially as it pertains to the effects of global climate change. BCMR has extensive experience in urban agriculture, community gardening, and environmental education. BCMR is recognized by the City of Boston and has an active City of Boston Supplier ID 0000117305.

The program ot only supplies fruit trees but also gardening tools and supplies such as shovels and trunk wrapping to protect the saplings from inclement weather. Speak For The Trees organization has agreed to supply online educational forums through zoom to assist first time tree growers and Black Coral Inc has set up delivery for those citizens without the means to pick up saplings such as the elderly or those without transportation due to disability!