The 411 on the benefits of Spirulina once a day!
Spirulina is a potent source of nutrients. It contains a powerful plant-based protein called phycocyanin. Research shows this may have antioxidant, pain-relief, anti-inflammatory, and brain-protective properties. Many antioxidants in spirulina have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. The two most common forms of commercially available spirulina are powder and tablets. It's also an ingredient in some protein and energy-boosting powder mixes. You can stir a small spoonful of spirulina powder into a glass of water or juice and drink it straight, or you can add some to a smoothie. In general, 1-8 g per day of spirulina has been shown to have some effect. The specific doses depend on the condition it's being used for: For cholesterol, doses in the range of 1-8 g per day may be impactful. For muscle performance, doses of 2-7.5 g per day have been used. Up to 8 grams of spirulina or two teaspoons per day is safe, and many people add it to their shakes or smoothies because it comes in powder form.
Spirulina is rich in a range of vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, like vitamins E, C, and B6. Research finds that spirulina also boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria in your body. Taking spirulina in the morning versus evening seems to have no real impact on the nutrients it provides your body, so rest assured you're getting the benefits at any time of day. It takes about 1-3 weeks for you to notice a change in energy levels. The results differ from person to person and obviously depend on your condition. Tip; drink plenty of water every day. You should avoid spirulina if you take blood thinners or have an autoimmune condition, bleeding disorder, or allergies to seafood especially shellfish.
It is not prudent to eat more than 50 g of spirulina daily. The reason they give is that the plant contains a high concentration of nucleic acids, substances related to DNA. When these are metabolized, they create uric acid, which could cause gout or kidney stones. Spirulina can cause the body to detoxify, which is generally a good thing. Spirulina also contains sulfur bearing amino acids such as cysteine and methionine which help the liver detoxify poisons such as carbon tetrachloride in the phase II detoxification pathway. It may, however, cause unpleasant side effects, including itchy skin, excessive gas and sleepiness. The clinically effective dose of spirulina is between 2 and 10 grams per day, with most benefits seen in the range of 5-to-10 grams per day. That means you should take 5 grams of spirulina per day if you want to experience the most benefits in the most cost-effective way. Current literature supports the benefits of spirulina for reducing body fat, waist circumference, body mass index and appetite and shows that spirulina has significant benefits for improving blood lipids.
Spirulina alkalizes the body, meaning it helps to maintain the internal pH balance. This has a positive impact on the liver and thus provides faster detox results. This supplement is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B and E, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, and selenium. Spirulina’s essential hormone-balancing nutrients can reduce cramps, mood problems, breast tenderness, and overall inflammation. Also reported to reduce blood sugar problems, spirulina attacks hormonal imbalance at a major root cause. Spirulina is also rich in chlorophyll and has great antibacterial properties. This can help keep you stink-free. Your sweat only smells when it comes into contact with certain bacteria in your microbiome. Spirulina contains 65% protein, which is an essential nutrient for bodybuilders.
Spirulina is also rich in phytonutrients and carotenoids–the antioxidants that can help defend your skin and body from free radicals. The result? Eliminated premature signs of aging! Taking spirulina supplements regularly will ensure younger-looking, healthy skin. Spirulina is a good source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid. Tryptophan plays an important role in your mental health because it is one of the building blocks of the brain chemical serotonin (Sasie, 2018). Low levels of tryptophan and serotonin can lead to conditions like depression, anxiety, etc. Intake of Spirulina at a dose of 8g daily for Spirulina microalgae represent a rich source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that is able not only to support the development of the nervous system and physiologic brain functions, compensating for nutritional deficiencies, but also promote a beneficial immune response, 12 weeks significantly reduced total serum cholesterol, LDL fraction and triglyceride levels. Subjects with higher initial total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels showed higher reduction. In addition, blood pressures were also decreased. It is concluded that spirulina alone has been equally beneficial as medication alone over a two months period in treating mild to moderate asthma.
Research shows that spirulina reduces inflammation in the nasal passageways (also known as allergic rhinitis). One study in particular found that 2 grams of spirulina a day significantly reduced symptoms, such as sneezing, nasal discharge, congestion and itching. Spirulina is also a great source of fatty acids like omega-3 which have been found to reduce “brain fog”, improve memory, and stabilize mood swings. A diet rich in spinach, blueberries and spirulina limits brain cell death and improves recovery of movement following a stroke, according to a study published in Experimental Neurology (193, 1:75-84, 2005).Stroke victims and people who have recently recovered from Covid or taken the vaccine should use spirulina in conjunction with eating natural pineapple, pineapple skin tea or Dandelion tea or take a nutritional supplement with bromelain. Increase your intake of other foods and drinks that may help dissolve blood clots such as garlic, kiwi, kale, spinach, red wine, and grape juice. Drink more water. Increase your exercise.
Equipment blender
1 cup frozen banana coins
½ cup almond milk
1 tsp Honey
1 cup fresh blueberries
½ cup frozen pineapple
1-2 tablespoon spirulina powder
Blitz all smoothie ingredients in a high-speed blender. Add more Almond milk or coconut water for a smoother smoothie!