In case global warming makes their homes uninhabitable, some millennials have a Plan B: investing in places like North Georgia, Virginia, Maryland and Alabama. By using sites like SEALEVELRISE.ORG to find out the best places to live least encumbered by the effects of Climate change! Also taking into account economy, access to healthcare, mobility, and seasonal changes!
Seas have drastically risen along southern U.S. coast in past decade. Multiple new studies highlight a rate of sea level rise that is ‘unprecedented in at least 120 years’ along the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern U.S. coast. The acceleration, so far, could have far-reaching consequences in an area of the United States that has seen massive development as the wetlands, mangroves and shorelines that once protected it are shrinking. An already vulnerable landscape that is home to millions of people is growing more vulnerable, more quickly, potentially putting a large swath of America at greater risk from severe storms and flooding. Areas like Florida where a mass exodus of Latino and African Americans is occurring will see housing prices stay the same artificially even as their intrinsic value continues to fall because of lack of access to equitable homeowners and flood insurance!
The increase has already had major effects, researchers found. This fall, the United Nations stunned the world when it released a report saying that if no action was taken, the catastrophic effects of climate change could be felt as early as 2040. It painted a bleak picture of a world plagued by fires, food shortages, extreme heat, droughts, floods and disease. Entire populations might have to migrate away from coastal or Southern cities. There would be a strain on resources and damage to the economy. Some believe that prices on Northern land will surge. But it is actually elevation not latitude that matters Northern cities will be hit just as hard in areas near the Great lakes and the Eastern Seaboard. No state is safe just look at the fires going on in Hawaii in the past few days!
Then there is the reality that many younger people can’t afford to buy any home — let alone one in a place with a better climate. Banks and corporate investors are buying up homes simply to make them rental properties and control the wealth potential of the masses. The only affordable properties left for many are in rural areas or tiny home enclaves where access to jobs that pay a living wage is scarce so victory gardening, foraging and planting of nut and fruit groves and farming are now being done for family subsistence rather than market profit, thus the growth of the homesteading movement! All caused by corporate greed and ineffectual politicians.
The world's land plays a key role in the climate system as an essential carbon sink that regulates the planet's temperature and absorbs its carbon emissions. The world's land — including its mountains, hills, plateaus and plains — provides vital services, such as oxygen, food and water, that are essential for life. It is corporate and Governments lack of protection that has caused our problems in the first place. Dismantled EPA, false information organizations funded by Big Oil, Gas, Fracking, and Nuclear Power concerns!
Climate deniers who only want to continue exploiting resources or polluting without oversite. And their cockamamie plan to move to other planets once they have raped and pillaged this one borders on insanity! Aided by entertainment news outlets like Fox that will say anything is true for a dollar they get the least educated and most fearful segments of our population to always choose wrong in favor of those who do the most harm to all of us. Its the equivalent of the antebellum Southern Aristocrats "coon-vincing" the poor whites who they despised more than their slaves to fight for them with a promise of being socially elevated once the Confederacy was a nation. The poor whites of Mississippi are a testament to how that would have played out for the nation!
The federal government recently issued a report concluding that climate change would cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, and as much as 10 percent of the American economy could be destroyed permanently by 2150 because of rising temperatures. Overall, climate change will harm the U.S. economy, if global warming continues at the present rate with no significant change. The U.S. economy would stand to lose between about 4-8 percent of GDP annually by the end of the century through effects to mortality (death), labor and the energy sector alone under a high emissions scenario. In short the nation wont exist except as a memory. The US Government isn't afraid of migrant workers coming in they fear the average American getting a passport and leaving to retire elsewhere with their accumulated wealth!
There is one group, however, that is slightly less anxious than the rest of us about this news: a small number of young professionals they are multicultural in fact 52% BIPOC who are preparing homes away from the places where climate change is expected to strike the hardest. They are following in the footsteps of billionaires like Peter Thiel, who is investing in real estate in New Zealand in case a climate apocalypse occurs. Although they are doing it on a far more affordable scale.
They have studied maps and research that show the areas of the country that will be less affected by devastation, either because of geography or an ample supply of natural resources. And they are optimistically buying land and homes in these areas, many of them mentioned in an article published in Popular Science in December 2016 titled “These will be the best places to live in America in 2100 A.D.,” which has amassed 28,000 views in the past six months and gets about 100 Google search hits a day.
Not quite survivalists, they are nonetheless teaching themselves essential life skills — like how to grow their own food and make their own electricity — just in case things spin out of control, and the government can’t step in to help. They believe they are making sound real estate decisions by buying land on high ground that will appreciate in value, at the same time choosing a Plan B. Many are more focused on preparing for the natural disasters that are projected to increase in frequency and severity in the coming decades.