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Climate Change And NATO!

Many Leaders globally are being exposed as Gen Z and Millennials Fight Back to Save Their future and that of the Planet!

Kenya's Leader Ruto through his insane policies has done what no other African leader has... united the youth across African borders to make systemic changes across the continent!

The street turmoil that swept Kenya’s capital on Tuesday represented a blow to the Biden administration’s tight embrace of President William Ruto, a strong U.S. ally on a continent where American influence is rapidly waning. Almost all Kenyans see Ruto as a sellout to Kenya his policies of taxation and mismanagement are of such a massive scale even his own staff don't see a future for him. Ruto is complicit in trying to help the US keep Haiti from gaining self-rule and being able to create the richest black country i this hemisphere by taking over the highly coveted resources UN forces and US allies have been stealing for nearly a decade.

Ruto was right that climate change has reduced Africa’s agricultural productivity by a third in the last half-century, and that 600 million Africans don’t have access to electricity. He was also correct that nearly a billion people don’t have clean cooking energy, and that African countries pay at least five times the interest rates of other countries when they borrow internationally. But there is no evidence of his claim that 93% of Kenya’s national grid is powered by renewable energy, or about the number of new jobs Africa needs to create every year. Because Ruto taxes his people he makes things like sanitary napkins and even charitable donations taxable. Instead of breaking the chains of foreign AID and building self-sustaining infrastructure he allows the foreign companies to act with impunity in actions that destabilize Kenyan business.

Instead of receiving funds to address the climate crisis, African nations are borrowing money to rebuild at a cost up to eight times that of the rich world. Money that eventually lands in the pockets of their leadership and gives results that offer no long-term solutions just long-term debt paid for with taxes that steal opportunity from African citizens! In the Kenyan city of Nyahururu after a group of anti-finance bill protesters forced police to sneak President William Ruto out of a church venue.

The president, his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, and other Kenya Kwanza leaders attended a church service at Ndururi Primary School in Nyahururu town on Sunday, June 23. Kenya's Cabinet has unlocked billions for firms involved in the genetically modified organisms (GMO) industry after it approved the farming and importation of biotechnology crops in a major policy shift that seeks to make the country food secure and contain runaway prices. What it will also do is hurt Kenyan farmers as the seeds from GMO are either owned by foreign powers or unable to make healthy crops also the nutrition of GMO foods is less than natural foods but instead will cause higher instances of health problems.

n oft-cited risk of GE crops is that the genetic-engineering process could cause “unnatural” changes in a plant's own naturally occurring proteins or metabolic pathways and result in the unexpected production of toxins or allergens in food. Ruto's policies of overtaxing his people will also affect the birthrates which is the ultimate goal of non-African nations especially those who listen to the policies espoused by people like Bill Gates who want to stop African fertility because the west is in drastic decline, and this poises the African youth as the most vital source for labor in the future as Europe and Asia are aging out of relevance! Leaders like Ruto are a good investment for the West because they are willing to destroy their own nations to benefit European interests or line their pockets.

President Biden has formally named Kenya a major non-NATO ally, and Mr. Ruto had seen off a first group of 400 Kenyan police officers headed to Haiti on a contentious security mission that is largely financed by the United States. NATO currently recognizes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine as aspiring members as part of their Open Doors enlargement policy. But it will never offer that to Kenya a Black African nation. This year NATO celebrates its 75th year of uniting Europeans to conquer the world's finances and keep North Atlantic (European) financial interests ahead of all others. NATO was founded to protect ‘civilized’ people 75 years ago that term meant White. A large body of research finds that Whiteness informs who is deemed deserving of welfare, protectionism, property, security, freedom, humanitarianism and more. NATO’s very inception — too — was birthed through appeals to Whiteness. What Biden is telling people is that RUTO is a controllable African leader. one ready and eager to obey.

NATO released three major reports contributing to Allies’ increased understanding of the impact of climate change on NATO’s strategic environment, missions and operations, and the adaptation of their armed forces. NATO’s 2023 Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment demonstrates how extreme weather conditions create operational stress and shorten the life cycles of military equipment, generating additional maintenance and replacement costs. The assessment, which focused on four geographical regions of high interest to European progress (the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahel, and the High North).

The strategic significance of the Arctic region, often referred to as the High North, has never been more pronounced. The vast expanse, once primarily known for its harsh climate and remote landscapes, now stands as a pivotal area for global interests encompassing geopolitics, climate conservation, resource accessibility, and security concerns. For NATO, the High North remains a critical focal point in safeguarding collective defense, fostering cooperation, and addressing emerging challenges in the Arctic region.

In 1996, the establishment of the Arctic Council marked a significant milestone, uniting the Arctic nations (some in the NATO Alliance at the time, and some not) in a cooperative framework focused on environmental protection and sustainable development. Significant trends in the Sahel are expected population growth, climate change, and the current improvement of foreign caused challenges in politics and governance. Green infrastructure building and expansion of intra-African trade will enable Sahelian nations to feed and educate their growing populations and also build armies as well equipped and trained as so-called First world nations.

The buildup of modern agricultural machinery instead of weapons and solar power, wind and water generation from atmosphere is a significant breakthrough for this landlocked region. With Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Senegal among other Sahelian nations are focused on green energy options. Solar Photo Voltaics and wind, almost absent from the power systems of the region a few years ago, now together contribute up to 20% of the electricity generated, and up to 25% in Mauritania. According to the UN Agency for Renewable Energy (IRENA), the location of the countries of the Sahel especially Mauritania makes it ideally suited for solar and wind power. The agency estimates that the energy potential amounts to 4,000 Gigawatt-hours. The capital, Nouakchott, is served by four power plants, including a 30-megawatt wind power plant, as well as a solar farm.

Electricity Generation from solar PV has seen a doubling every year since 2015, following a number of solar plants coming online all across the region. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Africa has 60% of the world’s best solar resources, but only 1% of solar generation capacity. To achieve its energy and climate goals, the average sub-Saharan African nation only needs $50 million dollars of investment a year to create its own solar power infrastructure, production and storage to be self-sufficient energy wise by 2035, with two-thirds of this going to clean energy, the IEA says.

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