The 2020 census continued a longstanding trend of undercounting Black people, Latinos and Native Americans, while overcounting people who identified as white and not Latino, in fact the white majority is a myth that has persisted for over a hundred years and a narrative presented to calm white fears even as the facts consistently refute the narrative of an historically white America.
Since 1790, Black Americans have consistently been overlooked in every Census, starting from the time they were considered as three-fifths of a person. The paradox lies in the fact that historically, BIPOC and particularly black communities have always been underrepresented to divert resources to white communities. This strategy is now backfiring as immigrant populations are being relied upon to sustain the existing economic systems, where the lowest-paying jobs, like migrant farming and factory work, are designated for asylum seekers. An independent analysis revealed that the undercount in the 2020 Census was three times more severe than in the previous 2010 Census, with the undercount of Black children under 18 likely being ten times worse. In essence, an estimated 2 million Black Americans were not included in the Census count, perpetuating a pattern that has persisted for decades.
As climate change progresses, posing a threat to the lives and livelihoods of billions worldwide, the topic of climate migration is garnering heightened interest from the public, scholars, and policymakers. Narratives of mass migration induced by climate or populations becoming "trapped" due to climate change are proliferating, yet scientific data on climate-related mobility remains limited. The contrast between the millions of Ukrainians receiving citizenship offers and the political issues surrounding a few thousand Haitians highlights the racial animosity embedded in contemporary migration policies.
Migrants frequently cite economic factors such as unemployment or hunger as their main reasons for moving. However, these economic hardships can stem from environmental events like droughts or storms. Retrospective studies may conceal the complete impact of these environmental shocks on migration decisions, thus underestimating their influence. In essence, the pursuit of petro-pharmaceutical profit, which worsens climate change, is driving global migration and altering demographics because a handful of billionaires are unwilling to let the average person have affordable housing, free energy, and access to electric vehicles, all to protect their tax-sheltered and taxation free billions.
The increasing number of older white individuals, combined with a growing BIPOC population, particularly among newly arrived Afro-Latinos, is projected to transform the U.S. into a majority-minority nation by approximately 2040, accelerated by the rise in extreme climate events documented in early 2024. This demographic change has led many white individuals to express concerns about losing their dominance in the country, with some already perceiving themselves as minorities or anticipating such a shift. Interestingly, several social media platforms have begun referring to them as "European Americans" instead of simply "Americans" as they were deemed in decades past! Not everyone who is classified as "White" is considered European. Until fairly recently, Middle Easterners and North Africans fell under the category of "White". As demographic changes continue to speed up many who currently enjoy the socio-economic status afforded them in American society by the racial assignation will find they too are no longer considered So-called "Whites" but instead an ethnic subgroup prone to marginalization.