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Climate Migration: Is There An Upside?

Writer: blackcoralinc2021blackcoralinc2021

Why corporations want you to believe Climate Migration is good?

Climate-induced migration will often be traumatic. Yet it will also be an essential tool for adapting to a warming planet. And it may have some positive side-effects. If it causes more subsistence farmers to move to cities, they will probably find better work, health care and schools. At least that is what some Billionaire investors and multi million dollar corporations want us to believe. Climate migrants are people who leave their homes because of climate stressors. Climate stressors, such as changing rainfall, heavy flooding, and sea level rise, put pressure on people to leave their homes and livelihoods behind. It makes their homes uninhabitable. Climate change is one of the major reasons many more immigrants are entering Europe from North Africa the heat for those of Mediterranean ancestry is too much especially for women who in many nations are forced to wear burkas and covering that exascerbates the heats life threatening effects.

Millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa face potentially ‘unliveable’ conditions outside of what human beings have ever experienced. Heat-related deaths in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will be 60 times higher by the end of the century if no climate action is taken, researchers have said. Around 123 people in 100,000 are predicted to die compared with two in 100,000 now, more than any other region in the world. Iranians will suffer most, with 423 deaths per 100,000, while in Palestine, Iraq and Israel more than 160 people per 100,000 will die, the research found. The EU in comparison will see a rise from nine to 60 deaths per 100,000 by the 2080s under what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) deems a moderate emissions scenario, where countries enact little mitigation policies.

There are already countries that have days when temperatures can reach 50C and that is becoming the norm. What it really will mean is that there will be large-scale population displacement because these kinds of conditions are just not liveable. According to a report by Mother Jones; In a remarkable series of documents submitted to a London-based nonprofit called CDP, big-name corporations describe global warming as a chance to sell more weapons systems to the military, more air conditioners to sweltering civilians, and more medications to people afflicted by tropical diseases. CDP, which stands for “Carbon Disclosure Project,” asks companies all over the world to disclose information about their greenhouse gas emissions and how the changing climate will impact their operations. Each year, thousands of companies send in responses. Below, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most striking—and, in some cases, disturbing—scenarios laid out by a few of those businesses.

Saab, a Swedish defense firm (and former parent company of the struggling automaker), agrees. In its CDP submission, the company cites the CNA report and adds that climate change could “induce changes in natural resources e.g. water, oil etc., which may result in conflicts within already "unstable countries” they look toward Africa and South America as regions ripe to sell weapons to so countries can do war more effectively against their neighbors rather than unite and solve problems that can make them competitive with Western interests. For profitability war suits them better as well as illegal deforestation, fishing, and drug smuggling. Saab sees these dangers as a business opportunity that will result in an “increased market for civil and military security solutions.” As an example, the company points to its Erieye Radar System, which “works in a dense hostile electronic warfare environment” and is “capable of identifying friends or foes.”

Raytheon, the Massachusetts-based defense contractor, warned in a 2012 CDP document that climate change might “cause humanitarian disasters, contribute to political violence, and undermine weak governments.” The company wrote that it expects to see “demand for its military products and services as security concerns may arise as results of droughts, floods, and storm events occur as a result of climate change.” The goal is to build green infrastructure for the west while giving the third word the means to kill each other in a way that pays for the infrastructure building of Europe!

Cobham, a British corporation that manufacturers surveillance systems, stated in a 2013 CDP document that “changes to countries [sic] resources and habitability could increase the need for border surveillance due to population migration. ”Spain and Morrocco used this type of surveillance technology to massacre 40 people last year trying to illegally enter Europe. On 24 June 2022, 40 migrants were killed after a human stampede at the Melilla border fence during a conflict with Moroccan and Spanish security forces 77 people are still missing.

G4S, a London-based corporation that operates around the globe, believes that extreme weather is an extremely profitable potential source of business.G4S also sees financial opportunities in responding to humanitarian disasters such as droughts and famines in the developing world. The company currently provides security for refugee camps in Kenya that are home to hundreds of thousands of people, including many who have fled conflict and drought. G4S says the United Nations “has projected that we [the planet] will soon have 50 million environmental refugees if countries refuse to embrace renewable energy.” Meanwhile, the ultra-wealthy are buying high-end bunkers with resort-like amenities where they can live in luxury while the world outside collapses because of their greed.

When civilization collapses, men like J.C. Cole will be ready. He’s founded Safe Haven Farms, a maximum security compound to ride out the next pandemic or climate-change disaster. And those who can afford to join him will also have a shot at survival, he promises. But the price tag isn’t cheap. A $3 million investment in his startup isn’t just about getting admission. Members “also get a stake in a potentially profitable network of local farm franchises that could reduce the probability of a catastrophic event in the first place,” writes Douglas Rushkoff in his new book, “Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires” (W.W. Norton).

Cole, 66, has two farms in development, one outside Princeton and the second somewhere in the Poconos, which he envisions as “a network of secret, totally self-sufficient residential farm communities for millionaires, guarded by Navy SEALs armed to the teeth,” writes Rushkoff.


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