African languages like Yoruba are monomoraic, the syllables are predominantly in the form “consonant-vowel” did the Warrior Edo bring language and culture to the Black Jomon of Japan?

The Jomon period, which encompasses a great expanse of time, constitutes Japan's earliest period. Making them the Black skinned foundation of the Nation that would become modern Japan. The Jomon Period is the earliest historical era of Japanese history which began around 14500 BC, coinciding with the Neolithic Period in Europe and Asia, and ended around 300 BC when the Yayoi Period began. The name Jomon, meaning 'cord marked' or 'patterned', comes from the style of pottery made during that time.
The Yayoi people (弥生人, Yayoi jin) were an ancient ethnicity that lived in the Japanese archipelago during the Yayoi period (300 BCE–300 CE).The Yayoi people migrated to the Japanese archipelago from southeastern China the Yayoi had hair that was curly and black, and skin that was brown or blackish brown not quite Nilotic. The Yayoi people were taller, lighter built and had slenderer faces than the Jomon inhabitants who had occupied the Japanese islands before them. The Yayoi culture established itself, first in the south — in northern Kyushu, spreading quickly northeastwards along the Sannin coast and as far as the Kanto plain.
Now there is a growing amount of evidence to show a strong West African Benin presence in Early Japanese history that informed one of the greatest periods of Japan the Edo period! Objectively evaluated the Ancient Benin Empire is thousands of years old. At its height (1400 -1897) the Benin Empire stretched in wealth and influence across Western Nigeria to the outer tips of present day nation of Benin Republic and evidence showed they traded at that time throughout the known world.
From pre-history the Benin people are EDO people. The original name of Japan was EDO. The Edo founders of Benin Empire used to be ruled by the Ogiso (Kings of the Sky) dynasty. The Japanese call their emperors Sky Kings or (Sons of the Sun). Edos were a pure warrior clan. Japanese are a pure warrior clan. The Edo people of Nigeria were artists/sculptors/carvers of such infinite precision their ancient artworks still shock the human mind. Japanese art and artistry are globally recognized for immaculate precision.
Why do modern Japanese look different from Edos? The original dwellers of Japan were black skinned Jomo then the lighter brown Ainu and Yamato peoples who were racially Asiatic. The Jomon phenotypically had squarer faces, and were shorter, than the later-arriving Yayoi, who had slender faces, and were taller. The Yayoi although brown skinned were much taller than the Jomon. The Yayoi warriors arrived, conquered the Ainu and Yamato and named the place EDO.
Till today the origins of Yayoi people is still disputed. No Japanese account identifies Yayoi as coming from any part of Asia. Yayoi is an Ainu word for invaders. Is it impossible that a band of Edo warriors (mostly males) conquered the place, took women of the conquered people for wives/concubines and over time their offspring looked exactly like the dominant indigenous population? The period called Edo (now Tokyo), where on March 24, 1603, the shogunate was officially established by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Edo began with Tokugawa Ieyasu's victory in 1600 over Toyotomi Hideyoshi's forces at the Battle of Sekigahara. In 1567 Ieyasu, whose father's death had left him as leader of the Matsudaira (meaning Rich, Abundance), allied with Oda Nobunaga, a powerful neighbour. It was at this time that he changed his name from Matsudaira to Tokugawa, which was the name of the area from which his family originated.
Emerging from the chaos of the Sengoku period, the Edo period was characterized by economic growth, strict social order, isolationist foreign policies, a stable population, perpetual peace, and popular enjoyment of arts and culture, colloquially referred to as Oedo meaning "Great Edo." The period came to an end with the Meiji Restoration and the Boshin War, which ended the peace and restored imperial rule to Japan.
The iyase of Benin is regard as second in command or in modern terms a General of the Benin military after the Oba before the Ezomo and Ologbose respectively. Facts that are not commonly known about the relationship between Japan and the Benin Empire are as follows:
DNA evidence links Japan's Y DNA Haplogroup D to the Nigerian Parent Haplogroup DE prevalent in Benin. In layman's terms the Y DNA Haplogroup D of the Japanese being DESCENDED from the Y DNA Haplogroup DE which originated in Nigeria. Japanese greet their elders 'Dormor' Benin people greet their elders 'Dormor' and their language is older. Edo people call the moon Uki, and also call love Uki, Japanese call the moon Tsuki, and also call love Tsuki. There are sculptural images from the Edo period of Japan that look exactly like the older ancient Benin bronze sculptures. The Japanese traditional wear is a near replica of Nigerian traditional wear. - Hundreds of Japanese names can be listed that have the same meaning as the older African names, 90% of which are exactly Nigerian names, ie originating or utilized first by the Igbo, Edo, Yoruba, Hausa etc.
Your article hold much validity. Even in the Igbo national narrative Ndi Ichie Akwa, the Igbo possess an ancient map of the world depicting the early pangaia separation period ("Peleg" in the bible). This ancient Igbo map is parsed off in three large land masses (triangular) - Oji (Africa, South America, India, Australia, and Antarctica), Ododo (parts of "Eurasia" and probably "North America"), and Edo (the main part of East "Asia" - including present day Japan, China, etc). Edo, according to the Igbo ancient map, was split into two parts, the second section was named, "Jefeta," which sounds almost identical to "Japhet" (Yafet). The fact that five Nigerians carry Y-DNA Haplogroup D in one study shows a deep connection (genetically…
Thank you for the article. I am from Botswana and lived in Japan and was so surprised at the similarities of countless words between Japan and africa. To think of it as a mere coicidence is lazy. I appreciate your work.