Although this herb is strong and effective it should not be used for more than a month concurrently as cytotoxicity can occur.
Fadogia agrestis is a plant believed to have aphrodisiac effects. Although the specific mechanisms of how it works are not yet fully understood, it is believed that alkylamide glycosides in the plant may stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), promoting the production of testosterone. Additionally, Fadogia agrestis may improve vasodilation and blood flow, contributing to its aphrodisiac effects that rival the blue pill Viagra without the debilitating cardiovascular side effects!
After supplementing with Fadogia agrestis for 5 days, there were significant increases in testosterone levels (2-fold with 18 mg/kg, 3-fold with 50 mg/kg, and 6-fold with 100 mg/kg) along with improved libido. The herb seems to be highly effective in boosting both testosterone and libido based on the extent of its benefits. While there is evidence supporting its pro-erectile effects, an increase in ejaculation latency (time to ejaculation) has also been observed, which is a rare characteristic among aphrodisiacs that typically decrease ejaculation latency.
A single in vitro study isolated glycosides of Fadogia agrestis roots and found that some of them possessed inhibitory effects on certain parasites and bacteria, and displayed mild antimalarial activity.