Gen Z Are Taking Power And Pissed off About Sell Out Politicians!

Generation Z, which is still just getting its feet wet in politics, since the oldest members of the generation turn 26 this year. Along with millennials, Gen Zers turned out in historically high numbers for a midterm election, second only to the 2018 election. And while Gen Zers voted decidedly with Democrats last year — and say they were most concerned about issues related to abortion, Climate Change and Gun Control — some still wish they were better informed before voting. That's all according to a new post-election report on Gen Z from the education advocacy organization Murmuration, the Walton Family Foundation and the public opinion firm SocialSphere.
The report, which contains a national survey conducted shortly after the election, was exclusively obtained by NPR. It also found that Gen Z primarily relies on social media for news instead of more traditional media platforms — raising questions for strategists and organizers alike over how to engage the country's youngest adults in politics. Generation Z has been reported to be "progressive and pro-government but anti- law enforcement militarization", though this narrative has occasionally been challenged, particularly in Europe. The generation is largely in favor of Green Energy, Social Justice, LGBT rights, gender equality, and access to abortion.
According to the poll, Gen Z as a group believed less in the idea of American exceptionalism than other generations. This lack of belief has pushed them to demand that corporations like Big Oil, Pharmaceutical, and Power Companies be held accountable, according to the survey. Those in Gen Z have faced a variety of crises in recent years as they have entered adulthood. Gen Z won't just believe a politician because they wave a flag and offer tax breaks or jobs. They see where that got their parents and grandparents. “COVID-19 lockdowns, social unrest, insurrections and graphic images of police brutality defended by politicians often engaged in criminal activities of their own can be witnessed in real time on social media. Its hard to lie when your every previous statement is being recorded.

Gen Z is also the generation least likely to trust government institutions— from the federal government to U.S. Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, state governments, and even municipal or local institutions. Less than a third of Gen Z trusts the electoral process because of how easily it can be manipulated by a partisan judicial system, according to data from Morning Consult. Morning Consult data showed Gen Z was least likely to trust the criminal justice system, health care systems, the police, the military, public education, and the science community, as well as generational lows for corporate America, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the news media.
However, out of all the generations surveyed, no group had more than 45% of respondents say they trusted any of those organizations—not baby boomers, Gen Xers, millennials or those from Gen Z.Gen Z is known for being resourceful, independent learners who value diversity and inclusive culture and place a priority on well-being and mental health in the workplace. They are fiscally conservative with a keen focus on investing and income which may be why so many see renewable energy, electric vehicles and crypto currency as the best way to move forward. Gen Z is nothing if not green as they organize to save the planet they hope to inhabit through adulthood. They are more engaged in matters of climate change and the majority factor “greenness” into their daily lives and even food purchasing habits.
As America’s youngest generation begins to enter the consumer market, workforce and voting booth, they have proven to be on a mission toward improving their planet. Last year, more than a quarter of millennials and Gen Zs worldwide said that their buying decisions had been influenced by the impact of certain businesses on the environment. “The combination of pressure and expectations from Gen Z as trendsetters along with a desire to “be more green” is not only being used to cover up past actions by companies that harmed the environment but also as a reason to charge more for products.” When it comes to vehicles Gen Z is also going electric. They’re known for activism, so it’s no surprise that much of this young generation is planning to make the shift to electric vehicles in the not-so-distant future.
Currently, most — 75% — members of Gen Z have never owned an electric car, according to a recent GOBankingRates survey of 18- to 25-year-olds. However, 60% said they’re at least somewhat likely to buy one in the next three years.