Egyptologists and Museums systematically reshape the black noses of Egyptian Statues! Egyptology is a Science of professional Liars!
Lying is a part of normal psychological behavior; it can be triggered by feelings of shame or guilt, and is often used to avoid conflict. However, pseudologia fantastica is characterized by the creation of eloquent and interesting stories, sometimes bordering on the fantastic, that are told to impress others. This is the pathology of Egyptology and most of the so-called scientists, and historians involved in the science of Ancient Egypt that was actually known as Kemet! Even the name Egypt is a lie of omission as so-called Egyptians would NEVER call themselves by a Greek name! Not Even the Ptolemies! It would be tantamount to saying I am a foreigner!
These stories about Egyptians being Europeans or some nomadic tribes from Western Asia almost seem to be just on the verge of believability and often involve the European or Arab culture assuming important and heroic historic roles. Egyptologists react to questions or doubts with ad hoc elaborations in order to satisfy the listener. They say things like Egyptians had brown or black skin but they werent black! They have the DNA of West Africans but they werent related to them, They had the culture and religion of central Africans and wrote that they came originally from so called Sub Saharan Africa and Their Gods were all black or brown as they depicted themselves but ignore what they said about themselves believe the white people, or Arab invaders instead!
Thus, new lies are needed to supplement the old, and Egyptologists sometimes start to believe their own deceptions. Detection of pathological lying and differential diagnosis are, not surprisingly, quite difficult, and require modifications to standard assessment procedures but their adherence to obvious untruths borders on mental illness. If we accuse someone of lying, however, we don’t typically mean that someone merely told a falsehood. For example, if someone tells you that the Earth is hollow because they truly believe that to be the case, we wouldn’t typically call that person a liar. Instead, we would be more likely to accuse them merely of getting things wrong. In short, what seems important about lying is not the falsity of the utterance, but rather the intent to deceive others.
We might be reasoning hypothetically, or discussing a fiction, or reading a mistaken historical text aloud, or engaging in a multitude of other uses of language. But, for the remainder of this post, let’s restrict our attention to situations where the speaker is making an utterance in order to convince the audience that the utterance in question is true. In such cases, we can simplify our definition to:
A is lying when she utters Z if and only if:
Z is false.
A believes that Z is false.
But what if A Rewrites Z as N every time A sees It and Proclaims "see Z is actually N"? This can lead to a confabulation. And that is what is occurring with modern Egyptology today. A confabulation may seem like a pathological lie at first, but the main difference is that the person cannot keep up the system of innumerable lies, because he will have forgotten his earlier lies. The lies become so apparent and numerous that everyone begins to see the pattern as the truth is revealed. Pathological liars tell compulsive lies without a clear motive. This type of lying is different than nonpathological lying, where the lie is often beneficial in some way. The lies about the origin of Ancient Egypt have become part of a culture of historic lies. Nonpathological lying is commonplace and not a sign of any disorder. A person who pathologically lies will lie compulsively and without any clear benefit to themselves.
Pathological lying is a possible symptom of certain personality disorders, including:
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)
BPD is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to regulate their emotions. People with BPD may experience severe mood swings, feel greater instability and insecurity, and not have a stable sense of self (Xenophobia). The hallmarks of NPD are fantasies of immense importance and the need for admiration and special treatment (White Privilege).