According to Dr. Heidi Yellen's research on Bioenergetics, fabrics have distinct frequencies that can impact our energy levels and overall health. Fabrics with high frequencies such as linen, wool, organic cotton, and hemp can enhance our energy, whereas synthetic fabrics tend to have lower frequencies that may deplete our energy.

Linen, known for its exceptional vibrational quality, and called as a super fabric, holds the highest frequency among fabrics,like Cashmere and Wool (5000). This unique attribute renders these fabrics capable of harmonizing the wearer's energy field, amplifying positive intentions, and promoting a state of elevated consciousness these high vibration fabrics like silk, bamboo, hemp and cotton also affect your body's hormone levels positively.
Linen continues to be a popular option for sustainable fabric choices, being made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is commonly known as "The healing fabric" and the preferred choice for those leading a health-conscious lifestyle. Another fabric known for its healing properties is wool, with a frequency of 5000. It is advisable not to wear wool and linen together as they counteract each other; instead, wear them seasonally, with wool for cold and rainy seasons, and linen for warmer weather on in tropical areas.
Scientific evidence confirms that linen has healing properties that have been recognized throughout history, such as its use in bandages. Linen's natural properties make it effective against bacteria and fungi, with flax serving as a protective barrier against specific illnesses. In the past, linen was preferred for hospital sheets due to its exceptional healing benefits and its ability to prevent infections.
Increased Frequency: Linen produces a unique light frequency that surpasses that of other materials. Made from the flax plant, linen has long been known for its therapeutic qualities. Hospitals in the early 1900s even utilized linen sheets for their capacity to accelerate healing, alleviate discomfort, and promote wound healing.
Throughout various cultures in history, people have worn linen garments. This tradition, particularly prevalent among spiritual leaders and gurus, raises an intriguing question: Did they opt for linen purely out of practicality, or did they possess insights into the health advantages of linen that are only now becoming clear to us? Both the Bible and Torah praise linen as a holy material and caution against mixing wool and linen in clothing.
The reverence for linen finds its roots in the remarkable light frequency it emits, a quality unmatched by any other fabric. Today, our textiles primarily consist of synthetic, plastic-based materials, which, regrettably, lack the healing frequencies that natural fibers offer!
Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen's study on fabric frequencies gaves us many insights into fabric frequencies. She utilized the Ag-Environ machine to shed light on the high vibration qualities of certain fabrics. This device was originally designed to analyze the frequencies of agricultural commodities to optimize harvest timings. Of course much of these findings were suppressed to protect the petro-pharmaceutical industry plastic polyester and nylon sales!
Dr. Philip Callahan, a physician and researcher, conducted experiments with flax cloth to investigate the presence of Tachyon Energy. His research showed that linen functions as an antenna for this energy, enabling quick healing. Tachyon energy, which exceeds the speed of light, provides an alternative energy supply for the human body.
Dr. Gabriel Cousen's research posits that various subtle energy fields, including those within the human body, can be invigorated by sources other than food and water. Some of those sources include sunlight, oxygen, electromagnetic energy, cosmic energy channeled through the chakras, direct cosmic energy, raw foods, and Tachyon Energy. Especially in those with higher concentrations of melanin. Melanin is a light absorbing polymer derived from the essential amino acid tyrosine, which scatters UV light and converts it into energy expressed as heat. Melanins protect against ionizing radiation by absorbing the radiation energy and dissipating it in the form of heat as well as by scavenging and/or neutralizing the ionized molecules.
Depending on the chemical composition, natural melanins like eumelanin and allomelanin range in color from black to brown. Their dark appearance is the result of melanin’s broad optical absorption. Unlike other pigments in nature, melanins can absorb all visible light frequencies and reflect almost none to the observer. Since the optical absorption spectra of melanins extend to the ultraviolet and infrared region, some consider melanins as darker than black. Like Dark Matter in space. Melanization has also been associated with protection against diverse biotic factors, for example, host defense against pathogens, as well abiotic factors, including heat and cold, and osmotic stresses. The immune systems of some biological life is based on melanin, and some microbes use melanin to evade host immune defenses. Finally, many melanotic organisms use melanin to capture energy from radiation.
Melanin has the ability to harness energy from electromagnetic radiation to fuel metabolism through a process known as radiosynthesis, utilizing its electrical properties within energy fields often described as high vibrational. Tachyons do not represent energy but rather a neutral zero point field containing the blueprints for all existence. They serve as a fundamental force field where creation energy manifests, essentially serving as the elemental components of pure creation. Tachyon particles imbue physical substances with an intensely high vibrational light, permanently transforming the quantum characteristics of the atomic nuclei that form such substances. While the chemical makeup remains unchanged, this alteration takes place at a subatomic level.
It is believed that fabrics like linen and other high-frequency materials possess properties that can provide the wearer with a life-sustaining energy source. This could possibly explain how Moses, Jesus, and Elijah managed to survive for extended periods without food or water. The existence of tachyon energy was demonstrated by MIT physicist Dr. Gerald Feinberg in 1966, who coined the term "Tachyon." The name is derived from the Greek word ‘tachys,’ meaning very fast.
The case for natural fabrics preferability as essential to health touches on this research this field can be infused into almost anything, anyone or any place such as crystals, metals, fabric, locations, including the human body permanently. Our human body is a complex energetic structure that contains over 75 trillion cells. These cells holds belief systems, memories and feelings that for the most part are very dense and are disabling us from manifesting our deepest desires. Since tachyon travels faster than light, it works with the DNA molecules to re-program the cellular structure information like a new software upgrade by decreasing the entropy (tendency towards disorder or decay) and density and filling it with high vibrational light and enabling us to feel and be lighter.