White Supremacy Because of Climate Change, is In a Global Free Fall. Is this Divine Justice?

On a global level, for the tenth year in a row, millennials see climate change as the most serious issue affecting the world, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Mother Teresa. These individuals worked tirelessly to promote social justice and human rights on a global scale and have become symbols of the global citizen movement. Now a whole generation when faced with climate change is looking at our similarities rather than our differences as a unifying focus.
A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They are a citizen of the world. They understand the lies and propaganda of ALL nations and why global unity is a threat to those who are greedy, selfish and war mongering. 57% of millennials see themselves as part of a global community rather than as a citizen of a specific country. 88% of millennials believe that collaboration rather than competition will lead to a better global future. By 2030, 15% of the western workforce will need to switch occupational categories
due to automation!
Millennials in 2017 cited the three most important factors for their future success: a future free of racism (42 percent), barriers based on gender, religion, culture or nationality (38 percent), and the ability to live, work and play anywhere in the world (37 percent). The study consisted of a 15-country survey of 11,060 individuals ages 20-36 and asked millennials about their views on various issues, including what they want for the future, unity and inclusivity and the impact of technology. The report overwhelmingly found that globalization is instrumental in creating the world that millennials want for the future. In fact, the majority of millennials see themselves as “global citizens,” rather than a citizen of one particular country, and view the latter as being outdated.
Millennials of 2023 have been at the forefront of the most important issues of the 21st century, including climate consciousness and the fight against racial and economic inequality. Elders tried to stick the USA with four more years of President Trump, and Millennials emphatically said “no” (you’re welcome). It is only the refusal of the Geriatric set of the Demographic party to give up its allegiance to every thing but the wishes of the American majority that affords the white supremacist mindsets a chance at extending their existence.
There can be no meaningful solution to the global climate and ecological crisis without addressing systemic racism, and particularly the historic and contemporary racial legacies of colonialism and slavery demographically! Millennials are now the most educated and the most racially and ethnically diverse adult generation that has ever existed in the U.S. Many have suggested that these characteristics will lead to the most racially tolerant generation in history. But tolerance is not enough as a global citizen if only tolerance is offered traveling somewhere else you are respected and wanted is an option many are taking advantage of. In fact the US Government views African American repatriation as a threat to national security especially as it pertains to the economic dominance of the west.
A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom supported by the American anti African propaganda that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave. If a white person leaves America and goes somewhere for economic advantages and building businesses or better opportunities, no one would say to them they need to stay and fight for racial equality. Black people have a double burden of being discriminated against and having to stick around in a nation that denies them equal access to economic opportunity."
For many, the murder of George Floyd in 2020 may have been a turning point. “In the last two years, there has been a groundswell of Black people in America who want to go to Africa,” says Dr. Greg Carr, a professor of Africana studies and former chair of the Department of Afro-American Studies at Howard University. “I haven’t made the jump yet, but I’ve been thinking about it all the time. … I would prefer to experience the full range of human experiences on the continent, rather than put up with the default position in the United States, where we are ‘othered’ and excluded from the definition of humanity. It is a perpetual field of violence.” We often hear that the ‘end of the world’ is approaching – but whose world, exactly, is expected to end? Over the last several decades, a popular and influential literature has emerged, in International Relations, social sciences, and in popular culture, on subjects such as ‘white male extinction’, ‘global catastrophic climate risks’, and eco-apocalypse.
In the second episode of Nature hits the books, science writer and broadcaster Gaia Vince joins us to talk about her new book Nomad Century, which looks at how climate change could render large parts of the globe uninhabitable, and how surviving this catastrophe will require a planned migration of people on a scale never seen before in human history. Celebrities have been part of this trend. Because although the news may tell us Africa will be hardest hit by climate scientists tell us the most fresh water on the globe is underneath West African soil and simultaneously billionaires in the USA are buying up the land with the most aquifers in the USA! Water is life!
In 2020, the singer and actor Ludacris announced on Instagram that he had become a citizen of Gabon, a country in central Africa. Actor Samuel L. Jackson also became a citizen of Gabon after he took a DNA test that showed he was connected to the country’s Benga tribe. “It was spiritually uplifting to connect with the tribe and to look down and see my relatives and ... to be welcomed by some people that looked at me ... like, ‘Come home,’ ” Jackson told “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah. In 2021, singer Stevie Wonder announced he was moving to Ghana. During an interview with Oprah Winfrey, he explained that his decision was prompted by the recent political climate in America: “I don’t want to see my children’s children’s children have to say, ‘Oh, please like me. Please respect me. Please know that I am important. Please value me.’
Meanwhile Oprah and the Rock Quietly bought up tons of acreage in Hawaii. The lens-shaped body of fresh water that exists within Hawaii's porous volcanic rock is called an aquifer, or fresh water lens. This water is among the cleanest anywhere, having been purified through years of percolating downward through soil and volcanic rock. It is the source of water for many wells and springs. In 2002,Oprah purchased a sprawling 163-acre estate on Maui's Hana coast. Since 2004, she has amassed approximately 1,000 acres across Maui. The property, known as the “Promised Land,” is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars.
Why is Hawaii a place one would consider for access to fresh water? Within the mountains of Hawaii similar to giant icebergs because the greatest mass is beneath the water, in the rock of the island below the waves, there are underground rivers of fresh water flowing 2-½ miles out into the ocean. These rivers are flowing through fractured volcanic rock and surrounded by porous rocks that are saturated with salt water. Between all of this salt water and the flowing fresh water are thin layers of rock formed from compacted ash and soil that appear to be impermeable and thus keeping the two types of water separated. In total, these rivers appear to contain enough fresh water to fill about 1.4 million Olympic swimming pools. In a 3 degree Celsius warmed Earth future people will be building rigs for water NOT oil!