The original inhabitants of Ancient Greece were the Pelasgians, a black people. This finding verifies the genetic connection between Greeks and Black Africans. The Pelasgians established the first civilization in Grecian history. Their civilization sprung its roots around 2500 BC. Ancient Pelashians raised crops and animals well suited to the environment. Wheat and barley were grown, and olives and grapes were harvested. The many hills and mountains provided shrubs to feed the herds of sheep, goats, and cattle.
The Pelasgians were related to the Minoans. Scholars consider Minoan to be essentially the same language as Pelasgian. The Minoans were a society that lived on the island of Crete for over five hundred years (2000-1500 BCE). The Phoenicians, on the other hand, were a civilization that occupied the coastline of the eastern Mediterranean Sea from around 1500-539 BCE.
Much like modern-day Greece, Ancient Greece had hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In fact, Greece is famous for its Mediterranean climate. This climate is located between about 30° and 45° latitude north and south of the Equator and on the western sides of the continents. So it is entirely possible to grow the crops needed for an effective diet similar to ancient Pelasgians despite many climate issues that may arise due to global warming. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the Mediterranean diet adherence scale (MEDAS) total score and Sustainable and Healthy Eating Behaviors Scale total score and sub-scores, and Climate Change Awareness Scale total score and sub-scores. The Mediterranean Diet is certainly environmentally sustainable, but it is also personally sustainable, which is extremely important for those of us searching for diets to fulfill any recent healthy eating resolutions.
This is an excerpt from Benjamin Franklin’s 1751 essay: “America as a Land of Opportunity”. Quote - Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny (brown). Asia chiefly tawny. [Ed. Tawny skin tone is a medium to light brown color that ranges from golden yellow, sandy brown, or olive. It has an earthy feel and can be described as warm.] American natives (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. Thus climate migration will increase the browning of the globe giving hope to survival of mankind with the gifts of Eumelanin.
But of course European fertility was such that all they could add was millions of Mulattoes from the surviving Blacks that were not shipped off to slavery in the Americas. As an example: In Puerto Rico where the original people were the Black and Brown Taíno people: according to census figures: 70% of the current population describe themselves as White despite the continuance of the Taino phenotype and dark swarthy skin of the majority of the population. Also, although it is true that climatic changes impact the health of the Mediterranean population directly through extreme heat, drought or storms, or indirectly by changes in water availability, food provision and quality, air pollution and other stressors.It takes 10 gallons of water to produce a calorie of beef, but only one gallon to produce a calorie of whole grains. Fruits (three gallons) and vegetables (two gallons) are also less resource-intensive than beef. Pasta, a beloved staple of the Mediterranean Diet, is an especially smart ecological and nutritious choice.
Globally, 75% of agricultural land is used to produce animal-based products, which supply merely 17% of our calories. While not all of it is suitable for crops, converting a portion of that area to growing the whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds central to the Mediterranean Diet would be a more efficient and less stressful use of the world’s limited land. Ancient historical traditions of the Greeks, Egyptians, Phoenicians and Assyrians, mention the vast empire of the Pelasgian race, which in its epoch of power and greatness had extended over a great part of Europe, Asia and Africa (De Jubainville, Les prem. habit. de l’Europe. I. 77). But the history of these Pelasgian times is shrouded in the veil of many legends and myths. Pelasgian farmers were masters during those remote times, wherever they settled. They took with them their national institutions, the early date at which irrigation turned up in their culture is proof. In Kemet (Ancient Egypt) Irrigation goes back to 4000 BC.
To reclaim this productive soil, the ancient Pelasgian farmers long before Greece was a thought, adopted measures of flood control. Their first step was to build dykes for the protection of the tilled fields; the next was to divert the excess water to nearby districts needing more moisture; and the final step was to impound the flood waters of the winter for summer distribution. Following the example of ancient Kemet Pelasgians also built a system of canals and furrows on hillsides that they dug to irrigate their crops. Besides, they built these canals to control the flow of the water and built reservoirs to hold water supplies in case of drought.
"The name Pelasgians (Greek: Πελασγοί, Pelasgoí, singular Πελασγός, Pelasgós) was used by some ancient Greek writers to refer to populations that were either the ancestors of the Greeks or who preceded the Greeks in Greece, "a hold-all term for any ancient, primitive and presumably indigenous people in the Greek world."[1] In general, "Pelasgian" has come to mean more broadly all the indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region and their cultures before the advent of the Greek language.[2] This is not an exclusive meaning, but other senses require identification when meant. During the classical period, enclaves under that name survived in several locations of mainland Greece, Crete and other regions of the Aegean. Populations identified as "Pelasgian" spoke a language or languages that at the time Greeks identified as "barbaric", even though some ancient writers described the Pelasgians as Greeks. A tradition also survived that large parts of Greece had once been Pelasgian before being Hellenized. These parts generally fell within the ethnic domain that by the 5th century BC was attributed to those speakers of ancient Greek who were identified as Ionians." Ionia and Caria served under the Egyptian pharaohs Psamtik I and II.