Birth dearth is a neologism referring to falling fertility rates. In the late 1980s, the term was used in the context of American and European society.
Because people without Eumelanin everywhere in the world are dropping quickly in population, certain types of melanin protect your ability to have children in warm climes and extreme temperatures. Four studies found that high temperatures were tied to an increased risk of premature birth ranging from 8.6 percent to 21 percent. Without Eumelanin the dark brown pigment your population could head toward extinction all those people chasing a pheomelanin light skin are chasing death! Avoid the mindset of negativity to dark skin and let the sun fade the racism

away! For the last 50 years, fertility rates have decreased worldwide due to embracing white supremacy. OCA is a group of disorders passed down in families where the body makes little or none of a substance called melanin.
The type and amount of melanin in your body determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes the strength of your organs the speed of your brain synapse response more melanin equals faster reflexes, better sight and hearing and a better chance of procreation in hot climes. With a fertility rate of almost 7 children per woman, Niger is the country with the highest fertility rate in the world followed by Mali. Studies show that melanin, which is an antioxidant, can assist in reversing oxidative damage to oocytes, thereby improving egg quality and resulting in higher rates of pregnancy. "Melanin has actually been shown to improve fertility, melanin enables the reproductive system to cope with extreme conditions, such as cold, heat, dryness, and pollution. In the last 50 years, average white male sperm concentrations dropped by 51.6 percent, and total global sperm counts dropped by 62.3 percent.
For white males, Mediterraneans, and Asians the pace of decline is accelerating. Sperm counts for Caucasians in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand have plummeted by nearly 60 percent since 1973.Western white men according to 223 studies are approaching total infertility by 2040. Although White men have higher semen volume on average than Asian men their mean sperm concentration, total sperm count, and percent of motile sperm is the lowest on the planet.A wide range of factors – from obesity to hormonal imbalances to genetic diseases – can affect fertility. For many men, there are treatments that can help. But starting in the 1990s, researchers noticed a concerning trend.
Even when controlling for many of the known risk factors, male fertility appeared to have been declining for decades across international borders and most prominently in populations that have no melanin protection. This was shown to exist prevalently in populations of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) as compared to Sub-Saharan African. Sub-Saharan African populations have significantly higher sperm counts, total motility and progressive sperm motility meaning stronger longer active sperm, and lower ABF (Abnormal Sperm Forms). Sperm DNA Fragmentation showed no statistical difference between the two groups beyond melanin. MENA patients had significantly higher prevalence of low sperm count, asthenospermia, an infertility condition in which a person has reduced sperm motility (the ability of the sperm to move).

Reduced sperm motility decreases the chances of the sperm fertilizing the egg in the female reproductive tract. , and teratospermia; an increase in the percentage of sperm with abnormal form in semen. Normally, normal sperm with strict criteria in semen should be at least 4% (WHO, 2010). Teratospermia reflects a defect in sperm maturation in the testis. and lower prevalence of normal sperm concentration, normal motility, and normal morphology. Throughout the 4 years of the study, MENA patients constantly had significantly lower sperm counts; generally lower sperm total motility percentage and generally lower quality sperm morphology. The sperm of men and the ovum of the woman both are layered with melanin. So when the sperm penetrates the egg, there is a melanin explosion. This helps to formulate the fetus. This fetus is literally coated with this melanin substance. It then begins to form the brain and the central nervous system. In semen from Mithun, melanin the protective polymer, and melatonin the hormone have been shown to develop sperm with DNA integrity, viability and intact plasma membrane. Experimental studies demonstrate that sperm cells from healthy men incubated with melatonin gain motility and viability. Melanin absorbs UV-B light and participates in the filtration of sunlight which determines the amount of the UV-B radiation to be penetrated in the skin epithelium]. It is confirmed that the world’s racial distribution by latitude is regulated by vitamin D production in individuals.
When archaic humans migrated from lower latitude Africa to higher latitudes in Eurasia; their skin color faded due to decreased sunlight. Thus, skin pigmentation is a dominant variable for regulating vitamin D3 synthesis in competition to melanin with 7-dehydrocholesterol. In these conditions, “vitamin D-folate hypothesis”, portrays the explanation behind an apparent adaptation of human skin shading in UV radiation situations. Vitamin D and folate have diverse sensitivity levels against UV radiation, strangely when vitamin D is blended utilizing UVR exposure and afterward folate is degraded. The proposed supposition of “vitamin D-folate hypothesis” is that pigmentation of skin keeps up the cell homeostasis (correct levels for health) of vitamin D. In normal daylight, UVB is the dynamic radiation for vitamin D synthesis over UVA. In an investigation, it is reported that fair complexion individuals need an exposure of 20–30 min and a few times in 7 days to create 20,000 IU of vitamin D3, while a brown or black complexioned individual with a high melanin level requires 2–10 fold more exposure time for equivalent level of vitamin D3. Thus global warming and high UV would have a less negative impact on their birthrates than fair skinned people. A synergistic action of Vitamin D and melanin in the skin, is fundamentally imperative to screen the levels of 25-(OH) D in infants, and pregnant women. In young and old, both melanin and vitamin D have protective roles.