Only 8 percent of your trash placed in recycling bins actually gets recycled. Most of it is going to landfills or burned! The oil companies and EPA have been lying to you for decades! The methane from landfills will be warming the planet for a thousand years!
Recycling can be complicated, and the rules outlining how to do it vary from city to city. However, there are several reasons why oil-based plastic recycling doesn't work as well as it should and never will. Many recyclables become contaminated when items are placed in the wrong bin, or when a dirty food container gets into the recycling bin. This type of contamination can prevent large batches of material from being recycled.
Critics of recycling say the costs outweigh the benefits and exceed most community resources. Some towns and cities say they can’t afford to operate recycling programs. In the U.S., landfill space is generally cheaply available, which means that the cost of recycling usually exceeds the cost of landfill waste disposal in many places the sad part is the landfill and factories that are used cause health problems in the communities they are located as pollution enters the soil, air and water table to cause multi-generational sickness and death.
Other materials can’t be processed in certain facilities that only take specific types of plastic recyclables. A lack of programs and services is the top barrier to greater recycling uptake as we just have too much garbage and not enough facilities or people able to create facilities to solve the problem and the government does not require the companies that profit the most from these oil-based products to fund their cleanup. Instead, they are more likely to burn or bury the refuse in poor communities most of whom will be BIPOC communities.
To reduce waste as much as possible, use reusable cups, purchase package-free produce, and eat with reusable cutlery. Also switching to biodegradable plastics like those made from hemp, banana fibers, could be a major step in finally cleaning up the world. The lipids and cellulose found in cannabis seeds and stalks are used to construct the polymer hemp plastic, which is biodegradable. hemp’s cellulose is broken down and chemically converted into a 100% biodegradable plastic. Companies will complain that hemp costs too much but what they really mean is they would rather have the US taxpayer clean up their waste and poisons than have to take care of the problems their products create. They think like irresponsible infants and want the world to be their babysitters.
"The use of plastic bags has become increasingly popular as a convenient way to carry items. But with the rise in plastic bag consumption comes the issue of their environmental impact. Hemp plastic bags are a promising alternative to traditional plastic bags that could offer a more sustainable solution. "Most single-use plastic is disposed of as trash rather than recycled. There is a plastic item that makes it to the landfill under the hot sun. Until it splits into tiny pieces – microplastics – it remains solid. This little creature can fly anywhere, is small enough to remain undetected, and is light enough to fly around. The only single-use plastic that can be recycled is hemp. There is a positive environmental impact to hemp production, as opposed to a negative one to plastic. Carbon dioxide does not escape from the cannabis plant and is not emitted into the atmosphere." (Lillian Lancen Climate of Our Future).
Hemp plastic has arrived to change the rules of the game. It is not just about replacing plastic, but about rewriting the narrative of material consumption. Although it costs at first a few pennies more to produce it saves a few hundred billion when it comes to cleaning up and giving each of us a better quality of life!