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Tribalism Wiped Out the American Indian, Tribalism Cripples African Responses to Climate Change!

Writer's picture: blackcoralinc2021blackcoralinc2021

18th century scientists termed non-European cultures as "Tribal" as the theory was that - the root of "civilization" -- arose from agriculture, and all forms of social organization and government that "preceded" this stage were considered tribal... Ironically European culture has always been most dependent on aggression, theft, conquest, trade, and war not agriculture since they have some of the poorest "glaciated" soil on the planet!

In the early 1800s, the rise of the charismatic Shawnee war leader, Tecumseh, and his brother, known as the Prophet, convinced Indians of various tribes that it was in their interest to stop tribal in-fighting and band together to protect their mutual interests. This prompted the decision by Indiana Territorial Governor (and later President) William Henry Harrison in 1811 to attack massacre and burn Prophetstown, the Indian capital on the Tippecanoe River, while Tecumseh was away campaigning the Choctaws for more warriors, incited the Shawnee leader to attack again. This time Tecumseh persuaded the British to fight alongside his warriors against the murderous Americans. Tecumseh’s death and defeat at the Battle of the Thames in 1813 made the Ohio frontier “safe” for settlers as the threat of native unity was destroyed.

From climate change to pandemics, the need for cohesive action has never been more pressing. However, when a society is fragmented along tribal lines, mobilizing collective action becomes an uphill battle. It is important to highlight the difference between ethnicity, tribe, and tribalism. Ethnicity refers to a group of people bonded by common cultural, ancestral, or linguistic traits, like the Akan groups in Ghana and the Yoruba in Nigeria. Tribe is a word deliberately coined to refer to Africans as a group of people who share a common language and are uncivilized. Out of the coined word tribe came tribalism, which implies a stronger allegiance to one's own tribe, often prioritizing its interests above those of others, which can lead to favoritism and potential conflict. In brief, ethnicity is about shared cultural traits, while tribalism highlights a prioritization and sometimes favoritism towards one’s own ethnic group, often in social and political contexts.

"The word and the concept of tribes is not even an African or Native American concept IT IS EUROPEAN! The modern indigenous populations of Europe are largely descended from three distinct lineages: Mesolithic hunter-gatherers, a derivative of the Cro-Magnon population, Early European Farmers who migrated from Anatolia during the Neolithic Revolution, and Yamnaya pastoralists who expanded into Europe in the context of the Indo-European expansion. It is this TRIO that is the basis of the term TRIBE." The modern European gene pool was formed when three ancient populations mixed within the last 7,000 years, Nature journal reports.

The Neanderthal archaic hunters arrived in Europe thousands (approximately 45,000) years before the advent of agriculture, hunkered down in southern refuges during the Ice Age and then expanded during a period called the Mesolithic, after the ice sheets had retreated from central and northern Europe. Their genetic profile is not a good match for any modern group of people, suggesting they were caught up in the farming wave of advance.

However, their genes live on in modern Europeans, to a greater extent in the north-east than in the south. The early Homo Sapien and Denisovan offspring North African/Western Asia farmer genome (Arriving about 7000 years ago to Europe showed a completely different pattern, however. Her genetic profile was a good match for modern people in Sardinia, and was rather different from the indigenous hunters.

Pigmentation genes carried by the hunters and farmers showed that, while the dark hair, brown eyes and pale skin of the early farmer would look familiar to us, the hunter-gatherers would stand out if we saw them on a street today. "It really does look like the indigenous West European hunter gatherers had this striking combination of dark skin of the modern human (African) and blue eyes (Like pale skin. blue eyes and red hair are a common Neanderthal trait) that doesn't exist anymore," Prof Reich told BBC News. IT WAS possibly curiosity or wonder that the young Neanderthal felt during his first encounter with Modern Human species. Arguably, it should have been fear: a chance meeting seeing a person with dark skin and taller swifter possibly carrying strange weapons like a spear or bow something like this could easily have happened about 45,000 years ago in a forest somewhere between Poland and England. It is also true that births between these two species of man could only occur between modern man and Neanderthal women and the survival rate for infants would have been very low. Genetically we know that ALL Europeans come from approximately only twelve births between modern African humans and Neanderthal and Denisovan Archaic humans.

For many people in Western countries, the subject of Africa immediately calls up the word "tribe." Few readers question a news story describing an African individual as a "tribesman" or "tribeswoman," or the depiction of an African's motives as "tribal." Many Africans themselves use the word "tribe" when speaking or writing in English about community, ethnicity or identity in African states.

Yet today most scholars -- both African and non-African -- who study African states and societies agree that "tribe" promotes misleading stereotypes. The term "tribe" has no consistent meaning. It carries misleading historical and cultural assumptions. It blocks accurate views of African realities.

Tribalism, in essence, shares the same DNA with racism: both are ideologies that use perceived differences to justify unequal treatment and to maintain power structures. While racism often divides along skin color, tribalism segregates along ethnic lines, dialects, or clan affiliations. It can influence who gets a job, who receives government services, and who holds power - weirdly mirroring the racial divides seen elsewhere. Tribalism stalls progress in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya Somalia, Liberia, Rwanda, South Africa, the list is seemingly endless, and it is the single biggest tool foreign nations use to disable opposition to their land and resource grabs of Africa and if these nations don't get it together, they will be once again the world's source for (economic) slaves.

In a world where global warming is a clear and present danger it is sheer stupidity to remain unaware that Africa is seen as the world's lifeboat and the feeling in non-African countries is that Africans should be kicked off the boat to allow industrialized nations to survive the coming shipwreck of economies! African nations are not WAKING or getting WOKE fast enough, you've been invited by cannibals to dinner and when faced with the empty plates to keep asking what's being served is incompetence!


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