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Why Traditional African Architecture Is the Foundation for Future Building!

The Climate Resilience of Ancient African Architecture is being used to inform how to build creating natural air conditioning!

The Mousgoum dwellings in Cameroon are a testament to cob construction, distinguished by their geometric raised patterns. These houses emulate the form of a shell in their architecture. The doorways are divinely framed, distinctly highlighting the entrances. Despite lacking a foundation, the Mousgoum houses are remarkably sturdy. The walls are constructed thicker at the base and taper towards the top, reinforcing the structure's durability. Openings at the apex of the houses facilitate air circulation. The highly textured exteriors not only allow for customization but also serve a practical purpose in drainage.

In 711, the courageous Tarik, a prominent leader of the Maurs (referred to as Blacks or Moors), crossed the straits and landed near a rocky promontory, which has been known as Djabal Tarik ("Tarik’s Mountain") or Gibraltar ever since. The rock of Gibraltar was named after this Black man who conquered Europe. In August 711, Tarik achieved a significant victory over the opposing European army. Before the battle, Tarik is said to have inspired his troops with these words: "My comrades, the enemy is in front of you, the sea is behind; where would you flee? Follow your leader; I am determined to either sacrifice my life or defeat the fallen king of the Romans."

Wasting no time to relish his victory, Tarik pushed on with his dashing and seemingly tireless Moorish cavalry to the Spanish city of Toledo. Within a month’s time, General Tarik ibn Ziyad had effectively terminated European dominance of the Iberian Peninsula. In the aftermath of these brilliant struggles, thousands of Moors flooded into the Iberian Peninsula. So eager were they to come that some are said to have floated over on tree-trunks. Tarik himself, at the conclusion of his illustrious military career, retired to the distant East. One thing that did happen was an adoption of African influenced architecture that is shown when we see the great cathedrals in Spain that also inspired Italy etc!


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